
Introducing Gqlts

Type safe Graphql query builder for TypeScript and Node.js

Gqlts generates a typed graphql client for your graphql api to use in browser or node.

This package is forked version from genql (opens in a new tab) It has been updated, fixed few bugs, actively adding features and updated dependencies and codebase to the latest packages

To use gqlts you first need to generate a sdk client for your graphql api.

Gqlts comes with built-in axios client and typed graphql query builder, file upload, subscription, batching, and more.


  • Type completion
  • Type validation
  • Easily fetch all fields in a type
  • Support subscription ( ws, graphql-ws, observable, etc )
  • Built in file upload support
  • Graphql Client built in
  • Works with any client
  • Works in node and the browser
  • Built in Axios Client, and exported to extend with interceptors.
  • Client Operation support for Axios configuration, such as headers, timeout, cancelToken, abortSignal, etc.
  • Support batching queries
  • Consistent response format { data, errors, extensions }

Find more server-client examples in the examples repo (opens in a new tab)

import { createClient, everything } from '@gqlts/my-lib'
const { data, errors, extensions } = await createClient().query({
    User: {
        name: true,
        surname: true,
        address: {
// data.User

works in browser and node

Graphql queries written in code

Gqlts generates a graphql client with typescript types, giving you type safety and auto-completion

import { createClient, everything } from '@gqlts/my-lib'
const { data, errors, extensions } = await createClient().query({
    User: {
        name: true,
        surname: true,
        address: {
// data.User
query {
    User {
        address {