
Unions and interfaces

To query some fields only on a certain type you can use graphql fragments

In gqlts you can express the fragments for union and interface types using the on_ prefixed fields in a query

import { createClient } from './generated'
const client = createClient()
const { account } = await client.query({
    account: {
        __typename: true,
        commonProp: true,
        on_User: {
            id: true,
            name: true,
        on_Guest: {
            surname: true,
// common prop will be available without type guards

Restrict an union to the correct sub type

You can check the value of __typename to restrict an union type to one of its sub types and let typescript infer its correct fields

const { account } = await client.query({
    account: {
        __typename: true,
        on_User: {
            id: true,
            name: true,
if (account.__typename === 'User') {
    // now account has type User

Type Guards

Union and interfaces are translated to typescript using union types

After you do a query on an union type, you can use the exported typescript guards to check the type of an object (remember to query the __typename field when you use type guards)

remember to query the __typename field when you use type guards or they will throw an error

import { createClient, isUser, isGuest } from './generated'
const client = createClient()
const { account } = await client.query({
    account: {
        __typename: true,
        on_User: {
            id: true,
            name: true,
        on_Guest: {
            surname: true,
if (isUser(account)) {
    // now account has type User
// another way to do the same without guards, typescript will infer the type to User
if (account.__typename === 'User') {
    // now account has type User
if (isGuest(account)) {
    // now account has type Guest