
Advanced Typings

Sometimes you will want to declare the field types separately or use the result type of a query in another function, this can be sone in gqlts importing some additional types

The query fields type QueryRequest

To declare the fields object separately from the client invocation you can use the QueryRequest, MutationRequest and SubscriptionRequest types

import { createClient, QueryRequest } from './generated'
const client = createClient()
// these query fields are validated by typescript and have auto completion
const fields: QueryRequest = {
    countries: {
        name: true,
        code: true,
const result = await client.query(fields)

The query result type QueryResult

If you want to reuse the result type of a query in another function you can use the QueryResult, MutationResult and SubscriptionResult generic types. These types take a query object as argument and give the associated result type as result.

You need to use the tuple function to tell typescript to use tuple semantics

import { QueryResult } from './generated'
function tuple<T1, T2>(data: [T1, T2]): typeof data
function tuple(data: Array<any>) {
    return data
const fields = {
    countries: tuple([
        { argument: 'exampleArgument' },
            name: 1,
            code: 1,
    ]), // tell typescript this is a tuple and not an array
// you can use this type in other places
type ReturnedType = QueryResult<typeof fields>
const result: ReturnedType = await client.query(fields)
function takesResultAsArgument(arg: QueryResult<typeof fields>) {
    // do something with the result

Notice that when using QueryResult you cannot use the QueryRequest type on the fields object because you would lose the selected fields type