
Generate the client

You can generate a client from code using the client package

import { generate } from '@gqlts/cli'
import fs from 'fs'
import path from 'path'
    schema: fs.readFileSync(path.join(__dirname, 'schema.graphql')).toString(),
    output: path.join(__dirname, 'generated'),
    scalarTypes: {
        MongoID: 'string',

The generate function has the following signature

(config: {
    endpoint?: string
    // use get to introspect the schema
    useGet?: boolean
    // the schema string
    schema?: string
    // the output dir
    output?: string
    headers?: Record<string, string>
    // map graphql scalars to typescript types
    scalarTypes?: { [k: string]: string }
    onlyEsModules?: boolean
    onlyCJSModules?: boolean
    sortProperties?: boolean
    verbose?: boolean
}) => Promise<void>